

Having come within a whisker of losing my husband Bob in June of 2005 and realising just how vulnerable we were to emotional destruction on so many levels, it was time to not just save my husband, but to save our relationship and indeed, the life of my family. I was a survivor in fact, we both were but with Bob being in a such a weakened emotional state and one that I had never witnessed before, I knew I was absolutely on my own. I was it for myself and indeed, the pair of us!  Despite having been brought to my knees from a very young age and so, so many times throughout my life, it was never like this…

I was in total damage control…freefall almost, and I didn’t know at the time how to help myself. And yet, I’d worked so hard since 1999 to ‘sort the demons’ of my life having attained a Diploma in Counselling, attended not one but two, of Anthony Robbins Seminars and sought ongoing guidance via meditation sessions from Father Vyn Bailey (St Mary’s Towers) but all of my efforts amounted to nothing now that I was on the brink of total emotional collapse. Following yet another attempt at ‘self-empowerment’, I’d been undertaking a ‘Life Success’ course at the time of Bob’s demise and when it had been suggested that I write a book, I very quickly dismissed the Course director (Steve Mills) suggestion as just total hogwash. It wasn’t until 21 Feb 2006 and having watched our worldly possessions rapidly stripped away from us, that I realised the only person capable of helping me, was me!

Hence my headlong plunge into Self Development that I naively envisaged would take me 6-12 months to complete and not the 17 years and 4 months that it actually took. An exceedingly difficult and highly intrusive task demanding of a level of honesty that I was not at all used to. But nonetheless, a courageous undertaking that ultimately allowed me to sort and accept the realities and complexities of my life as it had unfolded for me as of one of the thousands of Stolen Aboriginal children left to somehow cope with the aftermath of our tragic demise.

It was only after I  had completed my book that I was able to truly comprehend the fact that Self Development is not only a deeply personal choice, it is a never-ending process that is well within the realms of each and every one of us in our time of need. It is also intrinsically ours to own, ours to explore and most certainly, our biggest asset in finding and creating our better self. We just have to be brave enough to reach for it…


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